
Ultrasonography for Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics

ультразвук кистиHigh-resolution Ultrasonography for Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics: A Guide for Clinicians Involved in Diagnosis and Management of Peripheral Nerve Disorders
By Einar P. Wilder-smith, K. Rajendran, Aravinda K. Therimadasamy

Publisher:   World Scientific Publishing Company

Number Of Pages:   72

Publication Date:   2009-09-29

ISBN-10 / ASIN:   9812839038

ISBN-13 / EAN:   9789812839039

Product Description:

The past 10 years have seen the explosive expansion of the field of high-resolution imaging of the peripheral nervous system because of technical advances in sonography, allowing for good resolution, rapid imaging and (relatively) inexpensive images of the peripheral nervous structures. This timely volume presents the rapid advances and clinical relevance of high-resolution sonography for peripheral nerve diagnostics in a precise and clinically relevant way. The book begins by describing the characteristics of normal and diseased peripheral nerves, and then discusses the value of sonography in common conditions, with the help of clear and easy-to-understand illustrations to explain how to proceed to identify structures.The topics covered include common entrapment neuropathies (carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, radial neuropathy, peroneal neuropathy) and other conditions in which sonography can play a role in diagnosis, such as CIPD, motor neuropathy with multiple conduction blocks, leprosy, and brachial plexus disorders. "High-Resolution Ultrasonography for Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics" is an essential guide for those involved in the diagnostic work-up of peripheral nerve disorders. It gives a precise and practical overview of this rapidly emerging field whilst maintaining a practical bent. Clinical neurophysiologists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, hand surgeons and rehabilitation medicine specialists will all benefit from having this book.


Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery


филатова хирургияClinically focused chapters take an evidence-based approach to the management of pediatric surgical patients for residents in training and general surgeons in practice Targets the practitioner who is well-versed in the basic tenets of patient care but who seeks to benefit from the expertise of a seasoned expert A practical guide in the everyday clinical care of pediatric surgical patients for the advanced reader



Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast

хирургия кисти филатовская

Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast: Expert Consult (Expert Consult Title: Online + Print)



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Drs. Hall-Findlay and Evans' new Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast has a purely surgical focus that covers the full scope of breast surgery. Coverage of hot topics includes new implant types, gel implants, fat injections to the breast for aesthetic enhancement, and fat injections for reconstruction.The book is organized into seven sections including reduction, mastopexy, augmentation, and more. Expert, international contributors deliver practical advice on the latest techniques, with a special emphasis on what can go wrong and how to avoid it. This full-color, templated reference comes with case studies and 16 video clips (both on web and on DVD) with approximately three hours of footage demonstrating key procedures. Video coverage includes form-stable high cohesive silicone gel implants, short scar with inferior pedicle, and sub-fascial breast augmentation. Expert Consult access enables you to search full text online and download images. Get practical advice on handling problems that occur in both reconstructive and aesthetic surgery Study various operative steps in depth with real-life clinical detail Avoid and/or deal with complications by referencing case examples and analyses with expert international counsel Watch the techniques first-hand with videos online and on the accompanying DVD, and watch experts performing the procedures Search the text's full content electronically, or download images and video for teaching purposes


Физическая реабилитация детей с нарушением функций опорно двигательного аппарата

реабилитацияФизическая реабилитация детей с нарушением функций опорно двигательного аппарата
советский спорт 2000.
Гросс Н. А.

Данная книга призвана помочь в реабилитации детей с нарушениями функций опорно-двигательного аппарата средствами физической культуры с использованием оригинальных тренажерных устройств. Здесь вы найдете данные исследований морфологических особенностей и функционального состояния сердечнососудистой системы и их изменений под воздействием физических упражнений. Изложены современные методики проведения физиотерапевтических процедур.
Книга ориентирована на врачей, средний медицинский персонал, специалистовЛФК, педагогов, родителей детей с двигательными нарушениями.

Книга в формате DjVu для чтения рекомендуется использовать DjVu Reader


K-Taping (К-тейпирование: Практическое руководство. Теория, техники)

K-Taping: Ein Praxishandbuch. Grundlagen, Anlagetechniken, Indikationen
К-тейпирование: Практическое руководство. Теория, техники, указания
: Birgit Kumbrink

Издательство: Springer
Год: 2002
ISBN: 3540724397
Страниц: 208
Формат: PDF
Размер: 7.7 MB
Язык: немецкий

Disorders of the lunotriquetral joint Atlas of the Hand Clinics

Детская пластическая хирургияPublisher: W. B. Saunders 
Number Of Pages: 
Publication Date: 2004 
ISBN-10 / ASIN: B001VZ3H08 
ISBN-13 / EAN: 

Disorders of the lunotriquetral articulation of the wrist remain a challenging problem for hand surgeons in the twenty-first century. The anatomy is complex and difficult to repair or reconstruct.
The pathophysiology remains difficult. The diagnosis often is delayed or missed, and surgical treatment continues to be fraught with complications. It is for this reason that this edition of 
Atlas of the Hand Clinics is devoted to disorders of the lunotriquetral articulation. 
The text is organized in a logical progression. First, expert anatomists discuss the anatomy and kinematics of the lunotriquetral articulation. Next, our current understanding of the pathophysiology as it relates to the spectrum of ulnar-sided wrist pain is discussed. The clinical diagnosis, provocative maneuvers, and characteristic history are presented, followed by a section on imaging modalities.
In the treatment of the disorders, it becomes immediately apparent that these injuries may seem to be isolated, but are often part of a spectrum of ulnar-sided injury. The treatment of these disorders reflects the progressive nature of the injury. The association of lunotriquetral injuries with ulnar carpal abutment is discussed, together with its management. Next, the spectrum of ulnar-sided injury is discussed with the relationship of the lunotriquetral joint to injuries to the triangular fibrocartilage and to the midcarpal joint. 
Finally, techniques of reconstruction of the articulation, including soft tissue reconstructions and arthrodeses, are discussed, from a technical expertise perspective to the results of surgical treatment.

Pediatric Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series)

Pediatric_Surgery хиуиргяи кисти Филатовская больницаEditorial Reviews

"...This atlas is an invaluable reference for pediatric surgeons and for general surgeons with a special interest in pediatric surgery." (Doody's)
Product Description

Unique Atlas in this market

Authors comprised of renown names in Pediatric Surgery

Each step is presented by short concise text and full color illustrations

Incomparable reference presenting the results and conclusions of  EACH operation
See all Editorial Reviews
Product Details

    * Hardcover: 648 pages
    * Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 20, 2005)
    * Language: English
    * ISBN-10: 9783540407386
    * ISBN-13: 978-3540407386
    * ASIN: 3540407383
    * Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 7.7 x 1.4 inches

Current Therapy in Plastic Surgery

Хирургия кисти, микрохирургия, ФилатовскаяCurrent Therapy in Plastic Surgery

Leading experts from all areas of plastic surgery detail the most current and effective therapeutic options for the full range of aesthetic and reconstructive challenges in the face, body, and extremities.

They zero in on the succinct, detailed, and practical guidance needed to select the best approach for each situation, implement it effectively, avoid pitfalls and complications, and produce the most satisfying outcomes. * Covers hot topics such as •facelift • eyelids • breast reconstruction, reduction, and augmentation • liposuction • head and neck trauma • burns • dermatologic conditions • speech therapy • prosthetics • urogenital reconstruction • pressure sores • hand and wrist fractures and dislocations • salvage surgery • and varicose veins. * Includes chapters on non-surgical techniques such as botulinum toxin and laser skin resurfacing. * Focuses on pragmatic, need-to-know information. * Provides references to more comprehensive or specialized texts for further reading, where appropriate. * Offers the editorial expertise of world-class authorities from the prestigious Institute for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in New York.

Plastic Surgery Secrets Plus, Second Edition


Plastic Surgery Secrets Plus, Second Edition
By Jeffrey Weinzweig MD FACS

  • Publisher:   Mosby
  • Number Of Pages:   1080
  • Publication Date:   2010-04-16
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN:   0323034705

ISBN-13 / EAN:   9780323034708

Product Description:

Plastic Surgery Secrets-the first Secrets Series® title in the PLUS format-offers an easy-to-read, information-at-your-fingertips approach to plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery. Jeffrey Weinzweig has joined forces with world-renowned plastic surgeons Joseph McCarthy, Julia Terzis, Joseph Upton, Fernando Ortiz-Monasterio, and Luis Vasconez, and others to bring you the expert perspective you need to grasp the nuances of this specialty. This new edition features an additional color that highlights tables, legends, key terms, section and chapter titles, and web references. All this, along with the popular question-and answer approach and list of the "Top 100 Plastic Surgery Secrets," make it a perfect concise board review tool and a handy clinical reference.

  • Maintains the popular and trusted Secrets Series® format, using questions and short answers for effective and enjoyable learning.

Provides the most current overview and authoritative coverage of all topics thanks to contributions from an impressive list of over 300 experts in the field of plastic surgery and multiple related specialties.

  • Introduces the new PLUS format, with an expanded size and layout and full color for easier review, more information, and more visual elements for an overall enhanced experience.

Presents enhanced tables, legends, key terms, and section and chapter titles through the use of an additional color that makes finding information quick and easy.

Contains new full color images and illustrations to provide more detail and offer a clearer picture of what is seen in practice.


  • Стадии заживления сухожилия

       Вопросы послеоперационного ведения больных с повреждением сухожилий тесно связанны с  закономерностями биологии сращения последнего . Наибольшее количество работ по изучению биологии, последовательности и хронологии течения процессов сращения сухожилия принадлежат доктору Стрикланду. Он выделяет 5-ть основных этапов сращения.

  • Механический протез пальца кисти



    Специалисты компании Naples, находящейся во Флориде, спроектировали механические пальцы, протезы, которые полностью подражают естественным частям тела человека без использования всякой электроники. Механические части протеза, состоящие из железных рычагов, приводятся в движение тягами, имплантированными в остатки потерянного пальца пациента. Для придания протезам вида, имитирующего человеческое тело, эти протезы покрыты слоем специального термоплатика, что придает им естественный вид и естественные ощущения при прикосновении к ним.

    Используя эти протезы пациенты могут делать даже операции, требующие высокой точности движений, поднять монету с плоской поверхности, нажимать на кнопки, завязать шнурки на обуви, писать ручкой текст на бумаге и даже играть на фортепиано. Дэн Дидрик (Dan Didrick), основатель компании Didrick Medical, которая занимается изготовлением протезов X-Finger, сказал, что разработка этих механических протезов является огромным прыжком вперед по сравнению с использование старых латексных протезов, функцией которых является только маскировка недостатка.

    Протезы X-Finger начали выпускаться в промышленных масштабах, они бываю 500 различных видов, охватывающих комбинации из пяти различных толщин пальцев, шестнадцати различных длин и других характеристик. Но самым примечательным в этом устройстве - этот то, что оно позволяет человеку получить полный контроль над протезом утерянной конечности в реалистичном виде без использования всякой электроники.





    Mechanical Fingers Give Strength, Speed to Amputees


    If the X-Finger looks like a prop from The Terminator, relax. It isn't out to kill you, and it isn't robotic. In fact, it's a mechanical prosthetic finger so effective it provides articulation as fast and flexible as the real thing.

    Invented by Dan Didrick of Naples, Florida, the device has no batteries, electronics, servos or actuators. Instead, each digit incorporates a simple mechanism which, when pushed by the surviving part of the wearer's finger, curls a set of artificial phalanges.

    "Having a body-powered device leaves little room for mechanical failure," Didrick said, adding that there aren't any robotic medical alternatives. "Many people assumed a device such as mine already existed."


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