
Ultrasonography for Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics

ультразвук кистиHigh-resolution Ultrasonography for Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics: A Guide for Clinicians Involved in Diagnosis and Management of Peripheral Nerve Disorders
By Einar P. Wilder-smith, K. Rajendran, Aravinda K. Therimadasamy

Publisher:   World Scientific Publishing Company

Number Of Pages:   72

Publication Date:   2009-09-29

ISBN-10 / ASIN:   9812839038

ISBN-13 / EAN:   9789812839039

Product Description:

The past 10 years have seen the explosive expansion of the field of high-resolution imaging of the peripheral nervous system because of technical advances in sonography, allowing for good resolution, rapid imaging and (relatively) inexpensive images of the peripheral nervous structures. This timely volume presents the rapid advances and clinical relevance of high-resolution sonography for peripheral nerve diagnostics in a precise and clinically relevant way. The book begins by describing the characteristics of normal and diseased peripheral nerves, and then discusses the value of sonography in common conditions, with the help of clear and easy-to-understand illustrations to explain how to proceed to identify structures.The topics covered include common entrapment neuropathies (carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, radial neuropathy, peroneal neuropathy) and other conditions in which sonography can play a role in diagnosis, such as CIPD, motor neuropathy with multiple conduction blocks, leprosy, and brachial plexus disorders. "High-Resolution Ultrasonography for Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics" is an essential guide for those involved in the diagnostic work-up of peripheral nerve disorders. It gives a precise and practical overview of this rapidly emerging field whilst maintaining a practical bent. Clinical neurophysiologists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, hand surgeons and rehabilitation medicine specialists will all benefit from having this book.


  • Повреждение периферических нервов.

    Повреждения периферических нервов разделяют на два типа: закрытые и открытые травмы нервов. По степени тяжести травмы различают: сотрясение, ушиб, сдавление, анатомический перерыв. Анатомический перерыв может быть полным, частичным и внутриствольным.

    По характеру повреждения периферических нервов различают: колотые, резаные, рубленые, ушибленные; по типу сдавления - тракционные, химические, ожоговые и радиационные.

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    2. Интернет-врач несет всю полноту ответственности за свои решения, действия и советы в интернете.

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