
Netter's Orthopaedics (Netter Clinical Science)

458939  Netter's Orthopaedics (Netter Clinical Science)
By Walter Greene

Publisher:   Saunders

Number Of Pages:   512

Publication Date:   2005-12-01

ISBN-10 / ASIN:   1929007027

ISBN-13 / EAN:   9781929007028

Binding:   Hardcover

Product Description:

This new compilation of Dr. Netter's famous drawings includes the work of his talented successors, who faithfully uphold the Netter tradition in their skillful depiction of the latest techniques and procedures. This new atlas-quality reference provides an essential overview of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Clear and straightforward accompanying text describes the anatomy, basic science, and fundamental principles of evaluation and treatment that guide every clinical intervention.


  • Features more than 350 informative, beautifully drawn illustrations either by, or in the style of, Frank H. Netter, MD.
  • Provides relevant anatomy and basic science in the beginning of each chapter to lay the foundation for understanding the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of each clinical condition.
  • Covers individual topics affecting the entire musculoskeletal system, such as arthritic disorders, fractures, rehabilitation, and nerve disorders.
  • Organizes diagnostic and therapeutic techniques by region to help you apply management principles in practice.

Summary: Netter's Ortho. Book Review
Rating: 2

I would not recommend this book. The book is not very well written and is not the "usual" Netters type book. I was very disappointed with this book.
Summary: Not for Orthopaedists....
Rating: 2

This book from Walter Greene is a text which goes throught basic information highlighting many important orthopaedic conditions. Good book for students, primary care doctors, or those in ancillary staff. Very few illustrations provided, and less detail than expected. No approaches provided. Beware, more of a general ortho text than an anatomy reference.

The leader: "atlas quality reference" is a little misleading.


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    Повреждения периферических нервов разделяют на два типа: закрытые и открытые травмы нервов. По степени тяжести травмы различают: сотрясение, ушиб, сдавление, анатомический перерыв. Анатомический перерыв может быть полным, частичным и внутриствольным.

    По характеру повреждения периферических нервов различают: колотые, резаные, рубленые, ушибленные; по типу сдавления - тракционные, химические, ожоговые и радиационные.


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