
Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Visual

Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Visual

! (Incredibly Easy! Series)
By Springhouse

Publisher:   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Number Of Pages:   256

Publication Date:   2008-04-01

ISBN-10 / ASIN:   078178686X

ISBN-13 / EAN:   9780781786867

Product Description:

Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Visual! is an innovative new reference that brings clinical subjects to life using a vivid, graphic presentation. Like the Incredibly Easy! series, the Incredibly Visual! series takes difficult clinical topics and presents them in a clear, concise, easy-to-understand manner. The highly visual nature of this book makes anatomy and physiology fundamentals accessible to the reader in a unique and interesting way that enables quick review and comprehension as well as practical application. For each body system, the book logically first presents anatomic fundamentals necessary to understand the complex physiology of the body. Then physiologic processes are presented more visually than ever before. This new approach to clinical content maximizes the power of visual thinking by getting readers as close to the clinical content as they can get without actually being in the room with a patient. Complex ideas are broken down into their component parts, with each component made unmistakably simple in appealingly colorful and graphic ways. Readers will read less, understand more, and see things more clearly than ever before.

Summary: Visual learners rejoice!
Rating: 5

For anyone who has struggled through their Anatomy & Physiology course, this is a terrific asset. It does not, I repeat, NOT, replace the hard core work of an A&P class. But for those folks who need visuals to support the words, this is an excellent choice. It also comes in handy if you are a health care professional who needs to explain physical functions.

Summary: Good information, but very much LACKING
Rating: 3

I decided to write a review for this since there have been no review yet. I was taking Anatomy and Physiology as a class and needed a guide that could help explain things easier. I have heard about the Incredibly Easy series from a friend and after looking through the reviews of the Incredibly Easy series, I knew it was a good book.

I decided to go for the Incredibly Visual book for Anatomy because I thought the pictures would be helpful (my textbook already has a bunch of words in it; no need to buy another book with a bunch of words). When I got the book, it was just okay. While the pictures were in full color and very detailed, there was probably only 5 pages for each anatomy part. And I know that there isn't any anatomical books out there that will go over every body part in detail, but this book seemed to lack information.

For the price, it isn't as informational as I would like, but it is a good guide to go with "Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies" or some other guide. As a study helper alone however, you're better off reading your textbook.


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