Анатомия связок пальца кисти в рисунках
Сухожилия и нервы отличаются друг от друга по внешнему виду, типу внутреннего строения и методам исследования. Анализ их эхоструктуры с помощью высокоразрешающих ультразвуковых аппаратов позволяет выявить основные дифференциальные критерии патологии. Фактически сонографическая картина сухожилий соответствует их гистологическому составу [1].
Подробнее...Flexor Tendon из книги" HAND AND UPPER EXTREMITY REHABILITATION"
Mary Formby
The healing of the repaired flexor tendon is at least a 6-month process. The “best” way to manage the first 12-week period remains controversial despite significant research and clinical advances over the last 50 years. Effective communication among surgeon, therapist, and patient throughout the rehabilitation process is essential for achievement of a successful outcome.
Tendon healing occurs by both intrinsic and extrinsic processes.1 When intrinsic healing dominates, few adhesions form, and the result is more freely gliding tendons. Tendons with fewer adhesions must be carefully protected from resistive use, because they may be at greater risk for rupture. The rehabilitation timeline for such patients may need to be slowed. When extrinsic healing dominates, an increased inflammatory response occurs as the result of high-energy injury, postsurgical infection, or other factors. These patients have poorer tendon glide and may need their rehabilitation timeline advanced more quickly. Because each person’s biological response to healing is different, a “pyramid-of-force” model2 for flexor tendon rehabilitation was proposed by Groth in 2004. This model is based on a progression of force application that safely maximizes tendon excursion. Both time-based protocols and Groth’s new rehabilitation model are presented in this chapter.